The Sweet Sweet pollution

It is time for the festivities to begin!

The Promenade, if you will, or the entrance to party central. Liquor in the front, Poker in the rear!

And here we are. Not a coincidence that this is the classification for the deadliest tornado on Earth.

And as we break on thru to the other side...we see a bright light...

The exterior view from the beach. Ours is the one with the guy puking off the balcony ;-P >>>>>

It's the Aussie way...

the beautiful tropical storm ravaged beach.

I'm confused! Which way do you point this thing?

MACaroni contemplating "How many sips does it take to nurse a beer to the bottom?"

MACaroni and self proclaimed "Horse Cock Johnson" spread the peace in Jville.

Horse Cock Johnson impressing the locals (aka GBL) OK so he's not a local but he should be, he can drink like a fish! He could down liquor all night if it wasn't for his recurring narcolepsy!

GBL Senior keppin' us all in line. Tough job!

Go Dawgs!

Professor M explains Cold Fusion. Huh?

Speaks for itself.

Ol' Man Hairy Head after a few toties.

Danger Den on a break from breaking shit.

GBL getting a little Cap'n in him. Scurvy ARRRRRGH!

And as it ends...we are kindly asked to leave....with a tazer! We'll be back bitches!
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