Friday, September 30, 2005

The Pine Cone Shoot

The annual "bird shoot" turned out to be more of a "pine cone shoot". But the BBQ was awesome! Thanks to Georgia Boy Lee.

The Give Away

Old Farts preparing to let one rip.

The receptionist / shell dispenser / stripper

Georgia Boy Lee himself (He is actually named after a sausage...or is it the other way around?) BTW GBL- While strolling the aisles of the local Publix I discovered we now have your fine sausages gracing the dead processed animal racks! I tried to get a lady to buy a pack when I noticed she was pondering the massive selection of sausages, and she almost picked up a pack to try them. But then she went for the ol' trusty Brian instead...well after picking herself up off the floor from the multiple bitch slaps I proceeded to lay on her...she gladly took you wieners. ;-)

My dove gun.

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